• Moore Automation Website: While the product might be discontinued by Moore Automation Limited, the
  • ir website  might have archived resources or datasheets for the Trident 5351.
  • Triconex SIS Documentation: If you have access to the user manuals or technical specifications for the specific Triconex SIS you’re working with, it might reference compatible analog input modules like the Trident 5351 and provide detailed integration instructions.
  • Contact Schneider Electric Support: You can contact Schneider Electric directly to inquire about compatible analog input modules for your Triconex SIS. They might recommend a suitable current model from their product line that can replace the Trident 5351 while maintaining functionality within the SIS.

Important Considerations:

  • Safety-Critical Application (if applicable): The Trident 5351 might be used within an SIS for safety-critical process monitoring. Its selection, configuration, and maintenance should be performed by qualified personnel with expertise in functional safety and SIS design.
  • System Integration: The 5351 analog input module is a single component within a larger SIS solution. It requires proper integration with the SIS processor module, communication modules, and the process sensors to function effectively within the safety control loop.

I hope this comprehensive information is helpful. If you have any context regarding the specific Triconex SIS you’re working with, feel free to share it, and I might be able to assist you in finding more relevant details.



The TRICONEX TRICON 5351 you inquired about is likely the Trident 5351 Analog Input TriPak, manufactured by Moore Automation Limited (distributor) for use with Triconex safety instrumented systems (SIS) by Invensys (now Schneider Electric).

Here’s a breakdown of the product details based on information from various sources:

Product Name:

  • Trident 5351 Analog Input TriPak (not directly a Triconex product, but compatible)

Product Description:

The Trident 5351 is an analog input module designed to convert analog signals from process sensors (e.g., pressure transmitters, temperature sensors) into digital data for use within a Triconex SIS. These analog signals represent various process variables that are critical for monitoring and ensuring safe operation of the plant.

Product Function:

The Trident 5351 performs the following tasks within an SIS:

  • Analog Signal Conditioning: It receives analog voltage or current signals from process sensors. The module amplifies, filters, and scales the analog signal to match the internal digital representation requirements of the SIS.
  • Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC): The module converts the conditioned analog signal into a high-resolution digital value. This digital value represents the measured process variable (e.g., pressure, temperature).
  • Data Transmission: The 5351 transmits the digital representation of the process variable to the SIS processor module through a compatible communication interface (likely a proprietary protocol). The processor module uses this data for further processing and safety logic evaluation.

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Moore Automation or compatible SIS documentation for details):

Exact specifications will vary depending on the specific revision of the Trident 5351 and the Triconex SIS it’s integrated with. However, some typical parameters to look for include:

  • Input Type: Whether the module accepts voltage or current input signals.
  • Input Range: The minimum and maximum voltage or current values the module can handle.
  • Resolution: The number of bits used to represent the digital value of the analog signal (e.g., 12-bit resolution). A higher resolution provides more precise representation of the process variable.
  • Accuracy: The maximum allowable deviation between the actual analog signal and the corresponding digital value.
  • Communication Interface: The protocol used for communication with the SIS processor module.

Finding More Information:

  • Moore Automation Website: While the product might be discontinued by Moore Automation Limited, the
  • ir website  might have archived resources or datasheets for the Trident 5351.
  • Triconex SIS Documentation: If you have access to the user manuals or technical specifications for the specific Triconex SIS you’re working with, it might reference compatible analog input modules like the Trident 5351 and provide detailed integration instructions.
  • Contact Schneider Electric Support: You can contact Schneider Electric directly to inquire about compatible analog input modules for your Triconex SIS. They might recommend a suitable current model from their product line that can replace the Trident 5351 while maintaining functionality within the SIS.

Important Considerations:

  • Safety-Critical Application (if applicable): The Trident 5351 might be used within an SIS for safety-critical process monitoring. Its selection, configuration, and maintenance should be performed by qualified personnel with expertise in functional safety and SIS design.
  • System Integration: The 5351 analog input module is a single component within a larger SIS solution. It requires proper integration with the SIS processor module, communication modules, and the process sensors to function effectively within the safety control loop.

I hope this comprehensive information is helpful. If you have any context regarding the specific Triconex SIS you’re working with, feel free to share it, and I might be able to assist you in finding more relevant details.