The 1C31189G01 Speed Detector Module finds application in various industrial automation scenarios involving precise speed control of motors and rotating machinery:

  • Machine Speed Control: In applications like conveyor belts, printing presses, or wind turbine generators, the module provides feedback for closed-loop control of motor speed, ensuring consistent operation and product quality.
  • Process Monitoring and Optimization: Speed data can be used to monitor equipment performance, detect deviations from optimal operating conditions, and optimize process efficiency.
  • Safety Interlocks: In safety-critical applications, the speed data can be used as part of an interlock system to trigger emergency shutdowns if the speed exceeds safe limits.


The Westinghouse (now Emerson) 1C31189G01 appears to be a Speed Detector Module used within the Emerson Ovation control system. Here’s a breakdown of its potential functionalities and key features:


The 1C31189G01 module plays a crucial role in motion control applications within the Ovation system. Its primary function is to:

  • Receive Encoder or Tachometer Signals: It interfaces with rotary encoders or tachometers mounted on motors, shafts, or other rotating equipment. These sensors provide electrical signals that represent the speed (rotational velocity) of the machinery.
  • Process Speed Data: The module converts the raw encoder or tachometer signals into meaningful speed measurements (e.g., revolutions per minute, RPM). It might perform calculations, filtering, or scaling to obtain accurate speed data.
  • Provide Speed Feedback: The processed speed information is then transmitted to the Ovation system controller. This feedback is used for various purposes, including:
    • Closed-Loop Speed Control: The controller can utilize the speed data to regulate the motor’s speed by adjusting control signals sent to variable frequency drives (VFDs) or other control devices.
    • Process Monitoring and Analysis: Speed data is valuable for monitoring process performance, identifying potential issues, and optimizing operations.

Key Features (to be confirmed in the datasheet):

  • Supported Encoder/Tachometer Types: The specific types of encoders or tachometers the module can interface with (e.g., incremental encoders, absolute encoders, voltage or pulse output tachometers).
  • Input Signal Processing: Details on how the module handles the raw encoder/tachometer signals (e.g., filtering, scaling, resolution).
  • Output Data Format: The format of the processed speed data it provides to the Ovation system controller (e.g., digital pulses, analog voltage).
  • Maximum Supported Speed Range: The range of speeds the module can accurately measure (e.g., RPM range).

Applications (within Emerson Ovation Control Systems):

The 1C31189G01 Speed Detector Module finds application in various industrial automation scenarios involving precise speed control of motors and rotating machinery:

  • Machine Speed Control: In applications like conveyor belts, printing presses, or wind turbine generators, the module provides feedback for closed-loop control of motor speed, ensuring consistent operation and product quality.
  • Process Monitoring and Optimization: Speed data can be used to monitor equipment performance, detect deviations from optimal operating conditions, and optimize process efficiency.
  • Safety Interlocks: In safety-critical applications, the speed data can be used as part of an interlock system to trigger emergency shutdowns if the speed exceeds safe limits.